Second Leg:
Cape Town - Auckland

Day 01 - 12-05-1998 - Start
Day 02 - 12-06-1998 - Getting South
Day 03 - 12-07-1998 - Isabelle leading
Day 04 - 12-08-1998 - Soldini took first place
Day 05 - 12-09-1998 - Isabelle back on first
Day 06 - 12-10-1998 - First heavy knocks down
Day 07 - 12-11-1998 - Class I leaders set waypoint
Day 08 - 12-12-1998 - Thiercelin climbed to third
Day 09 - 12-13-1998 - Heading for new waypoint
Day 10 - 12-14-1998 - Thiercelin advancing
Day 11 - 12-15-1998 - Next waypoint
Day 12 - 12-16-1998 - Garside & Mouligne pass waypoint
Day 13 - 12-17-1998 - Autissier drops into third place
Day 14 - 12-18-1998 - Mouligne takes lead in Class II
Day 15 - 12-19-1998 - Yazykov is holding on
Day 16 - 12-20-1998 - Class leaders extend their lead
Day 17 - 12-21-1998 - Monster storm is coming
Day 18 - 12-22-1998 - Thiercelin's false alarm
Day 19 - 12-23-1998 - Isabelle heading for Tasmania
Day 20 - 12-24-1998 - Soldini enters Tasman Sea
Day 21 - 12-25-1998 - Rocking and rolling
Day 22 - 12-26-1998 - Battling Tasman Sea
Day 23 - 12-27-1998 - Devastating storm
Day 24 - 12-28-1998 - Isabelle rejoined race
Day 25 - 12-29-1998 - Davie's nightmare
Day 26 - 12-30-1998 - Golding breaks silence
Day 27 - 12-31-1998 - Surprising Mouligne
Day 28 - 01-01-1999 - Winner Soldini
Day 29 - 01-02-1999 - Golding on tow
Day 30 - 01-03-1999 - Mouligne First, Thiercelin & Isabelle finished
Day 31 - 01-04-1999 - Quiet sailing
Day 32 - 01-05-1999 - False alarm
Day 33 - 01-06-1999 - Advancing Yazykov
Day 34 - 01-07-1999 - Josh Hall takes fourth place
Day 35 - 01-08-1999 - More advancing Yazykov
Day 36 - 01-09-1999 - Approaching Auckland
Day 37 - 01-10-1999 - Finishing Garside, Van Liew and Yazykov
Day 38 - 01-11-1999 - Golding retires from race
Day 39 - 01-12-1999 - Petersen enters Tasman Sea
Day 40 - 01-13-1999 - Konioukhov misses waypoint
Day 41 - 01-14-1999 - Light winds for Minoru & Petersen
Day 42 - 01-15-1999 - Saito leads the remaining fleet
Day 43 - 01-16-1999 - Petersen collides with something
Day 44 - 01-17-1999 - Petersen takes lead
Day 45 - 01-18-1999 - Team Group 4 goes to France
Day 46 - 01-19-1999 - Tropical cyclone Dani
Day 47 - 01-20-1999 - No wind for Saito & Petersen
Day 48 - 01-21-1999 - Saito in the lead again
Day 49 - 01-22-1999 - Tropical cyclone Olinda
Day 50 - 01-23-1999 - Rough weather for finishers
Day 51 - 01-24-1999 - Headwinds and slow progress
Day 52 - 01-25-1999 - Light winds
Day 53 - 01-26-1999 - No change
Day 54 - 01-27-1999 - Saito and Petersen finish
Day 55 - 01-28-1999 - Almost there
Day 56 - 01-29-1999 - Hunter finish
Day 57 - 01-30-1999 - Davie with rudder problem
Day 58 - 01-31-1999 - Konioukhov finished in Auckland
Day 59 - 02-01-1999 - Konioukhov will continue as non-official competitor
Day 60 - 02-02-1999 - Davie fixing breaking rudder
Day 61 - 02-03-1999 - Lone sailor Davie
Day 62 - 02-04-1999 - Fleet getting ready for next leg
Day 63 - 02-05-1999 - Shrinking fleet

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