Captain Joshua Slocum

A blue-nose ancestry with Yankee proclivities - Youthful fondness for the sea - Master of the ship Northern-Light - Loss of the Aquidneck - Return home from Brazil in the canoe Liberdade - The gift of a "ship" - The rebuilding of the Spray - Conundrums in regard to finance and calking - The launching of the Spray.

Failure as a fisherman - A voyage around the world projected - From Boston to Gloucester - Fitting out for the ocean voyage - Half of a dory for a ship’s boat - The run from Gloucester to Nova Scotia - A shaking up in home waters - Among old friends.

Good-by to the American coast - Off Sable Island in a fog - In the open sea - The man in the moon takes an interest in the voyage - The first fit of loneliness - The Spray encounters La Vaguisa - A bottle of wine from the Spaniard - A bout of words with the captain of the Java -The steamship Olympia spoken - Arrival at the Azores.

Squally weather in the Azores - High living - Delirious from cheese and plums - The pilot of the Pinta - At Gibraltar - Compliments exchanged with the British navy - A picnic on the Morocco shore.

Sailing from Gibraltar with the assistance of her Majesty’s tug -The Spray’s course changed from the Suez Canal to Cape Horn - Chased by a Moorish pirate - A comparison with Columbus - The Canary Islands - The Cape Verde Islands - Sea life - Arrival at Pernambuco - A bill against the Brazilian government - Preparing for the stormy weather of the cape.

Departure from Rio de Janeiro - The Spray ashore on the sands of Uruguay - A narrow escape from shipwreck - The boy who found a sloop - The Spray floated but somewhat damaged - Courtesies from the British consul at Maldonado - A warm greeting at Montevideo - An excursion to Buenos Aires - Shortening the mast and bowsprit.

Weighing anchor at Buenos Aires - An outburst of emotion at the mouth of the Plate - Submerged by a great wave - A stormy entrance to the strait - Captain Samblich’s happy gift of a bag of carped-tacks - Off Cape Froward - Chased by Indians from Fortescue Bay - A miss-shot for "Black Pedro"- Taking in supplies of wood and water at Three Island Cove - Animal life.

From Cape Pillar into the Pacific - Driven by a tempest toward Cape Horn - Captain Slocum’s greatest sea adventure - Reaching the strait again by way of Cockburn Channel - Some savages find the carpet-tacks - Danger from firebrands - A series of fierce williwaws - Again sailing westward.

Repairing the Spray’s sails - Savages and an obstreperous anchor -A spider fight - An encounter with Black Pedro - A visit to the steamship Colombia - On the defensive against a fleet of canoes - A record of voyages through the strait - A chance cargo of tallow.

Running to Port Angosto in a snow-storm - A defective sheet-rope places the Spray in peril - The Spray as a target for a Fuegian arrow - The island of Alan Erric - Again in the open Pacific - The run to the island of Juan Fernandez - An absentee king - At Robinson Crusoe’s anchorage.

The islanders of Juan Fernandez entertained with Yankee doughnuts - The beauties of Robinson Crusoe’s realm - The mountain monument to Alexander Selkirk - Robinson Crusoe’s cave - A stroll with the children of the island - Westward ho! with a friendly gale - A month’s free sailing with the Southern Cross and the sun for guides - Sighting the Marquesas - Experience in reckoning.

Seventy-two days without a port - Whales and birds - A peep into the Spray’s galley - Flying-fish for breakfast - A welcome at Apia - A visit from Mrs. Robert Louis Stevenson - At Vailima - Samoan hospitality - Arrested for fast riding - An amusing merry-go-round Teachers and pupils of Papauta College - At the mercy of sea-nymphs.

Samoan royalty - King Malietoa - Good-by to friends at Vailima - Leaving Fiji to the south -Arrival at Newcastle, Australia - The yachts of Sydney - A ducking on the Spray -Commodore Foy presents the sloop with a new suit of sails - On to Melbourne - A shark that proved to be valuable - A change of course - The "Rain of Blood"- In Tasmania.

A testimonial from a lady - Cruising round Tasmania - The skipper delivers his first lecture on the voyage - Abundant provisions -An inspection of the Spray for safety at Devonport - Again at Sydney - Hnorthward bound for Torres Strait - An amateur shipwreck - Friends on the Australian coast - Perils of a coral sea.

Arrival at Port Denison, Queensland - A lecture - Reminiscences - of Captain Cook - Lecturing for charity at Cooktown - A happy escape from a coral reef - Home Island, Sunday Island, Bird Island - An American pearl-fisherman - Jubilee at Thursday Island - A new ensign for the Spray - Booby Island - Across the Indian Ocean - Christmas Island.

A call for careful navigation - Three hours’ steering in twenty-three days - Arrival at the Keeling Cocos Islands - A curious chapter of social history - A welcome from the children of the islands - Cleaning and painting the Spray on thy beach - A Mohammedan blessing for a pot of jam - Keeling as a paradise - A risky adventure in a small boat - Away to Rodriguez Taken for Antichrist - The governor calms the fears of the people - A lecture - A convent in the hills.

A clean bill of health at Mauritius - Sailing the voyage over again in the opera-house - A newly discovered plant named in honor of the Spray’s skipper - A party of young ladies out for a sail - A bivouac on deck - A warm reception at Durban - A friendly cross-examinationn by Henry M. Stanley - Three wise Boers seek proof of the flatness of the earth - Leaving South Africa.

Rounding the " Cape of Storms " in olden time - A rough Christmas - The Spray ties up for a three months' rest at Cape Town - A railway trip to the Tranasvaal - President Kruger’s odd definition of the Spray’s voyage - His terse sayings - Distinguished guests on the Spray - Cocoanut fiber as a padlock - Courtesies from the admiral of the Queen’s navy - Off for St. Helena - Land in sight.

In the isle of Napoleon’s exile - Two lectures - A guest in the ghost-room at Plantation House - An excursion to historic Longwood - Coffee in the husk, and a goat to shell it - The Spray’s ill luck with animals - A prejudice against small dogs - A rat, the Boston spider, and the cannibal cricket - Ascension Island.

In the favoring current off Cape St. Rogue, Brazil - All at sea regarding the Spanish-American war - An exchange of signals with the battle-ship Oregon - Off Dreyfus’s prison on Devil’s Island - Reappearance to the Spray of the north star - The light on Trinidad - A charming introduction to Grenada - Talks to friendly auditors.

Clearing for home - In the calm belt - A sea covered with sargasso - The jibstay parts in a gale - Welcomed by a tornado off Fire Island - A change of plan - Arrival at Newport - End of a cruise of over forty-six thousand miles - The Spray again at Fairhaven.

Lines and sail-plan of the Spray - Her pedigree so far as known - The lines of the Spray - Her self-steering qualities - Sail-plan and steering-gear - An unprecedented feat - A final word of cheer to would-be navigators.

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