Day 10, Monday April 19, 1999

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© Photo Richard Konkolski

Shortly after 1200 GMT Brad Van Liew was once again underway on Leg 4 with a new mast. The worst of the heavy weather was over and the next problem for most of the fleet could be light to very light conditions of an extended area of high-pressure spreading from 20S to 30S.

Giovanni Soldini © Photo Marek Slodownik  MSSoldini.jpg (24375 bytes)

In Class I, Giovanni Soldini and Marc Thiercelin were doing better than the rest of the fleet. Both were making over 8.5 knots. Both sailed close to shore over the weekend to benefit from the passing cold front. The cold front came up the Brazilian coast much faster than it did out to sea, so they caught the front first. Soldini had a slight edge because the wind could be just a little forward of him soon. As the wind shifts, he would have a better heading which would give him a very slight advantage over Thiercelin.

The boats in the worst shape would be No Barriers, Shuten-dohji II and Paladin II. They would have miserable sailing conditions for the next few days.

BBCrayValleyDetTop.jpg (23320 bytes) Mouligne's Cray Valley © Photo Billy Black

Jean-Pierre Mouligne acknowledged his mistake in his email: "First I started with a bad weather option by going too far East (so did Marc Thiercelin). When I realized my mistake, I sailed all night toward the West to get on the favorable side of the front. I maneuvered all night in winds that where going from 0 to 20 knots in seconds and constantly shifting 40 or 50 degrees. At dawn I was 55 miles behind Magellan. Twelve hours later it was my turn to battle the front and I made up a good part of my deficit."

"I also have a very serious mainsail problem. I am using the same main that I had in the first leg that arrived in Cape Town in a very bad shape. We sent it back to the US to have it reconditioned and reinforced but it already has started to split at the tack and below the third reef point. It is going to be a constant worry all the way to Charleston."Wind

Wind of Change Russia © Photo Billy Black  BBWindOfChangeBow.jpg (20204 bytes)

Viktor Yazykov burned his Autohelm 4000 autopilot last night. He had to hand steer for the last 20 hours. Later, his boat could steer herself upwind, so Yazykov could get some rest. At least he still had some light wind, but all that was going to change soon. For now he was in third place 16 miles behind Mouligne only.

Neal Petersen was already becalmed off the Brazilian coast, 60 miles from Rio. "Not going anywhere and hoping wind will come. It has been 36 hours now drifting. Did 68 miles in 24 hours. 3 miles off the land, close to an oil rig. Strong current, which is pushing me ENE", he wrote.

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© Photo Richard Konkolski


Class 1

Place Skipper Boat Latitude Longitude Dist. to go Speed Dist. to first Time
1 Soldini Fila 15 54S 035 35W 4143 8.1 0 2140
2 Thiercelin Somewhere 17 09S 035 49W 4219 8.1 75.9 2140

Class 2

Place Skipper Boat Latitude Longitude Dist. to go Speed Dist. to first Time
1 Garside Magellan Alpha 17 46S 036 49W 4272 6.2 0 2144
2 Mouligne Cray Valley 19 06S 037 10W 4353 5.8 81.6 2144
3 Yazykov Wind of Change 18 59S 038 15W 4369 5.7 97.7 2144
4 Petersen No Barriers 22 34S 041 35W 4649 4.5 377 2144
5 Saito Shuten-dohji II 23 20S 040 49W 4667 4.4 395.1 2144
6 Hunter Paladin II 24 50S 040 44W 4746 4 474.7 2144
7 Van Liew Balance Bar 34 16S 052 11W 5544 0.5 1272 2144

Copyright © Richard Konkolski
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