Richard Konkolski - Knihy Konkolski s.r.o.


Solo Oceans Sailing & Racing




The BOC Challenge 1986-1987 Results:

Overall Results:

First Class: Boats 51-60 feet long

Name - Boat

Final Place

Total Time

Average Speed*


Phillippe Jeantot
Credit Agricole III


134d 05h 23m 56s

8.41 knots


Titouan Lamazou
Ecureuil D'Aquitaine


137d 17h 36m 06s

8.20 knots


Jean-Yves Terlain
Pour Medicins Sans Frontieres


146d 10h 58m 10s

7.71 knots


Guy Bernardin
Biscuits LU
4 146d 12h 51m 34s 7.71 knots USA
John Martin
Tuna Marine Voortrekker
5 147d 08h 14m 00s 7.66 knots South Africa
Ian Kiernan
Triple M
Spirit of Sydney
6 156d 16h 03m 38s 7.21 knots Australia
Bertie Reed
Stabilo Boss
7 163d 21h 42m 56s 6.89 knots South Africa
David White
Legend Securities
8 164d 23h 05m 22s 6.85 knots USA

Second Class: Boats 40-50 feet long

Name - Boat

Final Place

Total Time

Average Speed*


Mike Plant
Airco Distributor
1 157d 11h 44m 44s 7.17 knots USA
Jean Luc
Van Heede

Let's Go
2 161d 07h 37m 16s 7.00 knots France
Harry Harkimo
Belmont Finland
3 168d 09h 21m 13s 6.71 knots Finland
Hal Roth
American Flag
4 171d 20h 05m 38s 6.57 knots USA
Rich. Konkolski
Declaration of Independence
5 172d 06h 41m 03s 6.55 knots Stateless/
Mark Schrader
Lone Star
6 175d 14h 23m 52s 6.43 knots USA
Pentti Salmi
Colt by Retting
7 175d 18h 02m 39s 6.42 knots Finland
John Hughes
Joseph Young
8 224d 13h 55m 24s 5.03 knots Canada

* The average speed was calculated on the predicted distance of 27,100 nautical miles. In reality all boat sailed a longer distance to finish the course. In fact the average speed of all boats is higher than posted.

Best Day Run:

Phillipe Jeantot, Credit Agricole III 290 miles

Principal World Records set during the BOC Challenge 1986/87:
This records are based on satellite positioning system Argos and researched and compiled by  D.H. Clarke.
For world sailing records the boats are divided into two groups - over 15,50 m (50ft 10in) long and under 15.50 m (50ft 10in) long (small boats)

Richard Konkolski - Declaration of Independence (44ft LOA, 36ft LWL)

  1. Longest 7-day run during a circumnavigation by a small monohull, under 15.50m (50ft 10in) LOA, being 1,536 miles, from December 9 to December 15, 1986 (average daily run 219.42 nautical miles - 9.14 knots), on the second leg, between Cape Town and Sydney.
  2. Longest 14-day run during a circumnavigation by a small monohull being 3,040 miles, from December 6 to December 19, 1986 (average daily run 217.14 miles - 9.05 knots), on the second leg, between Cape Town and Sydney.
  3. Fastest 2,000 miles by a small monohull during a circumnavigation - 9 days, 4 hours, 21 minutes - from December 6 to December 15, 1986 (average daily run 217.92 - 9.08 knots), on the second leg, between Cape Town and Sydney.
  4. Fastest 4,000 miles by a small monohull during a circumnavigation - 19 days, 13 hours - from December 1 to December 19, 1986 (average daily run 204.72 nautical miles - 8.53 knots), on the second leg, between Cape Town and Sydney.
  5. First man to make single-handed real circumnavigation three times (around antipodes.)

Overall and each leg detailed results:

Class 1 yachts:

Place Final 1st leg 2nd leg 3rd leg 4th leg

Philippe Jeantot
134d 05h 23m 56s

John Martin
42d 01h 10m 36s
Tit. Lamazou
28d 07h 13m 22s
Phil. Jeantot
36d 17h 46m 53s
John Martin
26d 00h 50m 20s

Titouan Lamazou
137d 17h 36m 06s

Philippe Jeantot
42d 16h 57m 35s
Philippe Jeantot
28d 12h 52m 43s
Tit. Lamazou
36d 21h 15m 45s
Tit. Lamazou
26d 05h 02m 37s

Jean-Yves Terlain
146d 10h 58m 10s

Guy Bernardin
43d 05h 58m 43s
Jean-Y. Terlain
31d 04h 55m 25s
Jean-Y. Terlain
40d 09h 54m 18s
Philippe Jeantot
26d 05h 46m 45s
4 Guy Bernardin
146d 12h 51m 34s
Warren Luhrs
44d 17h 41m 39s
Ian Kiernan
32d 11h 41m 54s
Guy Bernardin
43d 20h 52m 50s
Guy Bernardin
26d 05h 59m 37s
5 John Martin
147d 08h 14m 00s
Tit. Lamazou
46d 08h 04m 22s
Guy Bernardin
33d 01h 01m 14s
John Martin
43d 22h 56m 44s
Ian Kiernan
26d 06h 17m 51s
6 Ian Kiernan
156d 16h 03m 38s
Jean-Y. Terlain
47d 16h 44m 50s
David White
34d 14h 23m 25s
Bertie Reed
45d 23h 10m 31s
Bertie Reed
26d 10h 42m 54s
7 Bertie Reed
163d 21h 42m 56s
Bertie Reed
50d 17h 39m 48s
John Martin
35d 04h 16m 20s
Ian Kiernan
46d 18h 43m 23s
Jean-Y. Terlain
27d 03h 23m 37s
8 David White
164d 23h 05m 22s
Ian Kiernan
51d 03h 20m 30s
Warren Luhrs
37d 15h 00m 24s
David White
51d 08h 56m 20s
David White
27d 06h 25m 17s
9   David White
51d 17h 20m 20s
Bertie Reed
40d 18h 09m 43s
10   John Biddlecombe      
11   Rich. McBride      

John Biddlecombe - after many problems withdrew at Cape Town
Richard McBride
- broke his mast during the first leg and had to stop at Recife, Brazil for repair
Warren Luhrs
- broke his mast few hundred miles before Sydney during second leg

Class 2 yachts:

Place Final 1st leg 2nd leg 3rd leg 4th leg
1 Mike Plant
157d 11h 44m 44s
Jac. de Roux
45d 14h 47m 10s
Mike Plant
34d 16h 03m 52s
Jean Luc Van
Den Heede
42d 21h 56m 09s
Jean Luc Van
Den Heede
26d 21h 10m 20s
2 Jean Luc Van
Den Heede

161d 07h 37m 16s
Mike Plant
47d 15h 30m 30s
Harry Harkimo
36d 09h 34m 11s
Mike Plant
47d 03h 00m 00s
Mike Plant
28d 01h 13m 22s
3 Harry Harkimo
168d 09h 21m 13s
Jean Luc Van
Den Heede
51d 11h 16m 55s
Jean Luc Van
Den Heede
36d 17h 43m 52s
Hal Roth
51d 08h 47m 17s
Harry Harkimo
28d 01h 28m 13s
4 Hal Roth
171d 20h 05m 38s
Rich. Konkolski
51d 11h 34m 15s
Mark Schrader
38d 09h 02m 20s
Harry Harkimo
51d 10h 42m 20s
Hal Roth
29d 13h 21m 39s
5 Rich. Konkolski
172d 06h 41m 03s
Harry Harkimo
52d 11h 36m 29s
Hal Roth
38d 09h 43m 25s
Rich. Konkolski
51d 11h 25m 58s
Pentti Salmi
29d 19h 10m 59s
6 Mark Schrader
175d 14h 23m 52s
Hal Roth
52d 12h 13m 17s
Rich. Konkolski
38d 18h 42m 00s
Mark Schrader
52d 08h 42m 24s
Mark Schrader
30d 09h 39m 38s
7 Pentti Salmi
175d 18h 02m 39s
Penti Salmi
53d 18h 55m 22s
Pentti Salmi
39d 18h 27m 32s
Pentti Salmi
52d 09h 28m 46s
Rich. Konkolski
30d 20h 58m 50s
8 John Hughes
224d 13h 55m 24s
Mark Schrader
54d 10h 59n 30s
John Hughes
39d 23h 49m 40s
John Hughes
92d 11h 27m 38s
John Hughes
9   John Hughes
55d 00h 23m 52s
Harry Mitchell
55d 03h 56m 21s
10   Harry Mitchell
66d 07h 46m 31s

Dick Cross - his boat Air Force sunk during first leg
Eduardo Louro de Almeida - rudder breakage during first leg
Takao Shimada - rigging damage during first leg
Mac Smith - retired during first leg
Jacques de Roux
- lost at sea during second leg
Harry Mitchell - run aground in New Zealand during third leg

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