Knihy Konkolski s.r.o.




Philippe Jeantot

A former deep sea diver, he has worked on oil rigs and holds the world diving record of 501 meters. His interest in sea was born by reading Bernard Mitessier's book La Longue Course. Three months later he learned how to steer a day-sailor. Later he constructed a steel ketch 44 feet (13.5 m) long, with the goal to solo circumnavigate the Globe nonstop. He was cruising for two years, when he learned about the planned first BOC Challenge 1982/83.

Finding sponsorship, he built a specially designed boat for the race, Credit Agricole, entered the race and won Class I in the first BOC Challenge 1982/83, breaking previous solo circumnavigation records with a time of 159 days 2 hours 26 minutes 01 second.

Then he sailed in a solo Trans-Atlantic race, The OSTAR 1984 on a new catamaran Credit Agricole II, but he capsized in the middle of the Atlantic. He recovered his boat and entered 1984 Quebec-St. Malo race, and became the first to break the 500 mile barrier in 24 hours of sailing. Next year he won Grand Prix de Brest, La Baule and Round Europe sailing races.

He entered the second Solo BOC Challenge 1986/87 with a new boat, Credit Agricole III, and won again with the incredible time of 134 days 05 hours 23 minutes and 56 seconds.

Then he founded and organized a solo nonstop around the World race - The Globe Challenge 1989/90. He himself took a part in the race and finished fourth in 113 days 23 hours 47 minutes.

That was not enough for Philippe and after wining the first two BOC Challenges, he went for the third one - The BOC Challenge 1990/91. This time, with his new boat Credit Agricole IV, he took third place in Class I. He finished his fourth solo circumnavigation with time of 129 days 12 hours 49 minutes 42 seconds. At the prize-giving ceremony Philippe Jeantot announced his retirement from solo around the world racing and left to take care of his boat building business in France.

Copyright  Richard Konkolski 

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